Ellen Kehr
Ellen Kehr serves as the Organization Lead for Blue Zones Project® –Albert Lea. She leans on her positive attitude and natural enthusiasm to help motivate and encourage others to practice Power 9® lifestyle principles and begin their own journey toward better well-being. With over 20 years of experience in community partnerships, and applying a strong background in community well-being, she brings an experienced, collaborative, and energetic management style to theAlbert Lea community.
My Power 9
My Power 9 is Purpose. A strong sense of purpose not only boosts your community, but enriches your own life. I know it has for me. When I am purpose-driven, I choose to respond with passion and enthusiasm! One of the great secrets of happiness and longevity is living with a sense of purpose, and people who wake up with that feeling live up to seven years longer than those who don’t. There are purpose moments every day of the week—every hour of the day—where we can find our purpose, and in doing so help ourselves and others live a longer, happier life!